La educación en derechos humanos: un aporte al posconflicto
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La educación en derechos humanos: un aporte al posconflicto
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Artículos Científicos
Purpose: Colombia is currently going through a historical moment framed by a peace process that, if achieved, will lead to a perhaps more complex stage than the very war it intends to end. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize the fundamental role played by human rights education in facing this new course. Themes: in post-war times, it is essential to pay special attention to issues such as education and pedagogy, both within a context of human rights that, in times of conflict, were violated on a large scale. Development: a brief overview of the history of human rights education, coupled with the experience of some countries that have already gone through a period of post-conflict, show that human rights education is key to improving coexistence and peace, especially on the eve of a potential post-conflict period in Colombia. Conclusion: the relevance of implementing human rights education is elucidated as a determining factor so that substantial efforts are made to promote a peace culture.
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Maestría en Derechos Humanos y Gobernanza, Bogotá
- Revista UCC [114]
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